Why do Bacteria and Fungus plague the Human race? Why do we have to co-exist with what seems to bring misery to the human species? To reflect on this, it is necessary to look at the “big” picture. Purpose of Fungi: Fungus is necessary to break down dead vegetation and animal life back to the “dust” we came from. Fungus is present in all living organisms, ready to take on its role of decomposing the entity when needed. The signal for fungus to come out of it’s spore form (when it is benign) is the voltage level present in the cell environment. Without fungus, the planet would be engulfed with dead organisms so fungus is a blessing as part of the life cycle. Purpose of Bacteria: Bacteria are necessary in the body to produce nutrients that the body needs and can only get from the action of bacteria feeding on the food in our digestive system. The good bacteria turn the food we eat into chemicals needed by the body to function. Use of an antibiotic kills both friendly and helpful bacteria as well as the targeted bacteria. Fungi and bacteria can be seen in all human blood with the use of German microscope known as the Ergonom or with a dark field microscope at 1000x power. Fungi and bacteria in the body compete with each other to be able to munch on our cells. This is how antibiotics came into use. Antibiotics are produced by fungi to destroy their competitors known as bacteria. The antibiotic typically works by impacting the cell membrane of the bacteria and prevents duplication. Bacteria have a “life cycle” where they can shed their cell wall (called L-form) and still exist although they can’t reproduce in that state. The bacteria in their “L-Form” and other forms are not impacted by the antibiotic since there is no cell wall for the antibiotic to attack. Thus, when you take an antibiotic, you are left with two results: the l-form bacteria that are unaffected by the antibiotic and the fungi that has produced the antibiotic remains in the body. Note also that bacteria that reside in the dental tubules beneath the teeth are also not impacted by antibiotics and are sources of continuing infection. For the human adult the healthy cell voltage is negative 25 millivolts. At this voltage level, our cells have a healthy amount of oxygen in them that keeps bacteria inactive and the fungus in spore form (benign form). If we don’t have enough voltage (electrons) then we have less oxygen in the cell and cell environment. With less oxygen in the environment, the spores and the bacteria become active and start using digestive enzymes to start feeding on our cells. These digestive enzymes enter the blood stream and at a site far removed from the bacteria, cause disease. (example: Streptococcus bacteria munch on the tonsils which we feel as a sore throat, produce digestive enzymes and toxins that travel through the blood stream and can cause damage to the heart valves far removed from the site of the throat infection). The lack of voltage causes autoimmune diseases due to the toxins produced as the bacteria and fungus munch on our cells. One interesting fact is that some cancers have been shown to be caused by fungus. The fungi enter the cell and impact the cell’s operation causing cancer. A study correlating antibiotic use and breast cancer has been done and has been reported on by the National Cancer Institute where there is a title “Study Shows Link Between Antibiotic Use and Increased Risk of Breast Cancer” – you are welcome to read it at http://www.cancer.gov/newscenter/newsfromnci/2004/antibioticsQA. Obviously there are times that taking an antibiotic is the correct thing to do. However, linked antibiotic use and increased cancer rates calls into question the wide spread practice of farmers using antibiotics to cause weight gain in farm animals and also the use of antibiotics for minor physical problems. What are some alternatives to antibiotics if that is temporarily needed? One oxidative therapy that has a lot of history behind it and is available to the general public is sodium chlorite. This can be purchased as MMS (miracle mineral solution). It is useful against fungus, bacteria and parasites. Doctors also have at their disposal: IV hydrogen peroxide or oxide, Vitamin C and UV radiation of the blood which can be used. There are also herbal preparations and colloidal silver available for home use as anti-bacterials that can be studied in the literature. So … how do we keep our voltage level at the normal level to prevent fungus morphing into adult forms and bacteria in a benign condition thus keeping us healthy? The terrain and the environment both need to be addressed. Again, we need to look at the “big” picture. Fulvic Acid Story: The human body uses fulvic acid to enable the cell membrane to conduct nutrients into the cell. Humans get fulvic acid from plants which in turn get it from the result of fungus decomposing plant material into dirt. In modern farming, pesticides reduce the amount of fulvic acid so the plants become deficient in fulvic acid. The plants can not move the nutrients into their cells easily and thus the human being eating the deficient plants also becomes deficient in both nutrients and fulvic acid ( a double action—less nutrients available from the plant and less ability to access the nutrients). Human Environment: Additionally, humans have toxic fats (trans fats) and toxic chemicals in their bodies in significant quantities preventing cells from acting normally. Humans no longer get recharged from electrons from the soil by going barefoot (donated by the earth). So detoxification, supplementation, appropriate stomach acid levels, earthing, eating organically, getting sunlight are all crucial in getting to an optimal voltage level at the cellular level. Bottom line: Keep the body at the correct voltage level to keep bacteria and fungus in their benign forms. For more information, I highly recommend two books by Jerry Tennant, MD. Healing is Voltage--The Handbook, and Healing is Voltage—Healing Eye Diseases. Much of the information above is discussed in good detail in these two books.
Can anyone manifest their dreams? If so, what are the steps to take?
This past year, I have been exploring some of the literature available for recommendations in how to manifest the goals I have set in life. -When you make an intention you cause change in your life. -Persistent thoughts become intentions. -We are all making intentions either consciously or unconsciously all the time. -Intentions influence and can become our reality. I have found this to be an intriguing topic and one that is very important for anyone wanting to accomplish all that they have come to this world to do. I will recommend (for those unfamiliar with manifesting) the book E-Squared Nine Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout. She has written an extremely readable book that should convince most readers that there is more to this life than conventional wisdom teaches. I am not a master in “how to” manifest. I am a beginner in applying manifesting to my life. Manifesting seems to work best when the result is limited to an effect on my life or an aspect of my life. When I have tried to use manifesting to help with a family member’s outcome, the results have not appeared. I think this is probably the way the universe is designed to work since each person should be the one responsible for their own life. I also find that it is very easy to back slide into relying only on action/goal lists and to-do lists rather than adding the act of manifesting to support me in accomplishing my goals. Manifesting your goals requires you to discipline your words and thoughts. As Edgar Cayce said "thoughts are things and the mind is the builder." From the book of Proverbs: “As a man thinks, so is he”. I am fortunate to know a very adept manifestor and am always inspired in her presence and reminded of the need to “manifest” in addition to the “to-do” list. Mental focus is necessary to manifest. The act of focusing impacts your reality. There are actions you can take that will help you in manifesting. Stay in the present moment-not in the past with regrets or the future with worry (persistent negative thoughts will manifest more negativity). The power to manifest what you want is in the present moment. Meditation can help. Prayer can help. Another strategy to help in manifesting is to be part of a group where each is encouraged to discuss and apply manifesting (Effective Mastermind groups utilize the concept of manifesting in their meetings). Who you hang around with, what you spend your brain time on, all impact your ability to manifest what you want in life. Based on my reading, part of the manifesting process utilizes the pineal gland to connect with the universe. I recently became aware of a way to boost the pineal gland that involves applying frequency from frequency patches to the body. It is NOT necessary to use the frequency patch to manifest. The patch can be used for a beginner to facilitate manifesting, akin to training wheels when learning to ride a bike. Note that I was successfully manifesting prior to having experience with the patches. I realize that most people have not heard of frequency patches although some people in the sports world (such as golfers) are using them. Frequency patches provide programmed frequencies that the body's energy fields can draw on to improve the body’s functioning. There are no chemicals involved. I have used various patches with clients, friends, family and myself and have noted that they can be very helpful with the other energy modalities that I utilize. When the body needs to have something happen in a cell, chemical reactions, photons, and phonons are used to cause the cell to function properly. In some cases the chemical itself is not what the cell needs for its operation. The cell is instead using the frequencies, bio-photons and phonons developed during the chemical reaction. A frequency patch applied to the body can, when chosen correctly, supply the necessary frequency without having to ingest a chemical. Frequency patches are very gentle since the body will use what it wants/needs and ignore any frequencies that it doesn’t want (based on clinical experience). I am especially intrigued with the frequency patch called Well Being because it strengthens the pineal energies and seems to assist in the manifesting process. Obviously, one who is depressed or very ill would NOT use this patch since it magnifies and amplifies what one is focused upon. Those that are depressed or ill and wanting to explore the use of frequency patches should employ those frequency patches that would provide support for the alternative healing modalities that they are utilizing. If the thought of deliberately using manifesting in your life resonates with you, you may still prefer to experiment with manifesting prior to utilizing the Well Being patch. We all have been created with the ability to manifest and use of the patch is not necessary to use this ability. I have put a selection of frequency patches that I think might be of interest to readers of this blog for sale on my website. If you are interested in experimenting with them, you are welcome to visit the page Frequency Patches and order some. Can “stealth bacteria” be responsible for some of the debilitating diseases we face today? Can these “stealth bacteria” have forms that can hide from standard antibiotic treatments? These questions were addressed in research done by Lida Mattman Ph.D. Lida Mattman was nominated in 1998 for the Nobel Prize in Medicine. She did extensive studies on Lyme disease and on Cell Wall Deficient Bacteria also known as L-form bacteria. (Information from Wikipidia). She died in 2008. I recently ran across an article on bacteria that included information from a controversial book published in 2001 by Lida Mattman, Ph.D. Cell Wall Deficient Forms: Stealth Pathogens. I found this information to be eye opening and I deemed it worthy as a blog topic. I will apologize in advance for writing about such a complex subject and reducing it to Blog format. I think that this topic has not been given enough press and am taking my small step with this blog to illuminate the topic. The book that Lida Mattman wrote offers a very non-traditional view of bacterial infections and how cell wall deficient bacteria are associated with chronic diseases. Bacteria are typically described as having a cell wall. The standard view is that bacteria that lose their cell wall do not remain viable for long and do not reproduce. The immune system distinguishes and attacks bacteria upon recognizing the cell wall of the bacteria. It is difficult for the immune system to identify and attack bacteria without a cell wall. The alternative view of cell wall deficient bacteria, as discussed by Lida Mattman in her book, Cell Wall Deficient Forms: Stealth Pathogens is that bacteria that lose their cell wall can take various shapes not just the L shape, stay viable for lengthy periods and reproduce readily in these shapes. Dr. Mattman’s position was that the Lyme bacteria ( Borrelia bugdorferi or Bb) can exist in its stealth form and while in that form, be difficult to detect in the body. In the stealth form, the bacteria are continuing to reproduce and are implicated in many degenerative diseases. Dr. Mattman’s research showed that a larger portion of the population has Lyme disease than generally accepted and that it is associated with “many other diseases than is commonly recognized including ADHD, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, Bell’s palsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), lupus, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, scleroderma and a host of additional diseases. (Source: Breakthroughs in Health & Medicine Online Newsletter “New Hope for Lyme Disease” August 2012.) Dr. Mattman detected the Lyme bacteria in all eight people with Parkinson’s, all 41 MS cases and all 21 ALS cases tested. The research question to be answered is if the Lyme (Bb spirochete) is a cause or if it is a contributing factor in these diseases. Additionally, Dr. Mattman’s research indicated that transmission in these cell wall deficient forms of Lyme could be via blood, saliva and insects other than tics. Research discussed in an article from ScienceDaily backs up some of the conclusions reached by Dr. Mattman. This article discussed the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes which is responsible for serious food poisoning outbreaks. Professor Martn J. Loessner showed that an L-form of the pathogen could reproduce in milk, not be detectable while in the L-form and outwit the immune system. (ETH Zurich (2009, September 19). Listeria L-forms: Discovery Of an Unusual Form Of Bacterial Life. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 3, 2012, from http://ww.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/09/090912145843.htm) The article from Breakthroughs in Health and Medicine suggests using a protein inhibitor type of antibiotic for a cell wall deficient form of the bacteria. Alternative products to consider include using a TOA-Free Cat’s Claw product, the herb artemisinen, Sodium Chlorite, or an herbal preparation from Raintree Nutrition, Inc called Spiro™ for use in treating resistant Lyme disease. If interested, work with your health care practitioner in utilizing these preparations. I am writing this blog from the information presented in the Breakthroughs in Health and Medicine article, the article from ScienceDaily and a reading of the opening pages of Dr. Mattman’s book. (I looked into purchasing this book but it is in the $200 range and is outside of my budget). Information is sparse on the internet on the topic of cell wall deficient bacteria but the concept may be very important if you are faced with a debilitating disease that is resistant to treatment.
Do optimistic people have better health? Or if you have poor health are you more likely to be pessimistic? My experience tells me that optimism leads to better health. My experience also is that those who are sick do not always have the energy to be optimistic. So, if you are unhealthy and pessimistic would there be health benefits in becoming an optimist? If so, how would you make the change? Why be optimistic: ·Those who are optimistic are more likely to implement and maintain changes to their health. · Just being optimistic seems to attract more positive energy to your life. · Optimists have more fun! Life is short and the more fun in one’s life, the better, in my opinion. Being an optimist is NOT putting on the “all is rosy” glasses. It is looking at options and being able to weigh them to chart their potential as regards the option’s ability to bring a change for the better. It is not accepting the bad but looking for a “way out of the problem.” Steve Halford put it this way when talking about optimism in business: “Optimists keep moving forward because they believe there are options. Pessimists don't usually persist in the face of setbacks and can be prone to inertia.” If you want to read his complete article go to: The Successful Optimist: Why the language you use makes a difference, www.entrepreneur.com/article/207648 July 27, 2010. His ideas on business apply in the matter of health also. If you think that you can improve your health, you will search until you find an answer that works for you. If you think there is no hope of change for the better, then you will vegetate and remain in an unhealthy state. Pessimism keeps you from trying new ideas—you stay in your rut and pessimism keeps you hanging on with no drive to change for the better. Pessimism keeps you from positive feedback and prevents you from seeing positive change. There is a well of unhappiness that the pessimist resides in that discourages change. How do you change from a Pessimist to an Optimist? Here are some ways and the list below is just a start. a. Go Outside – walk, garden, enjoy a sunset. b. Decrease your sugar intake c. Clean up your negative language d. Add laughter, for example: see a funny movie, join uplifting friends, play with a toddler or a puppy. e. Practice gratitude and appreciation. Every day upon rising or at bedtime, consider your blessings. Write a gratitude journal. f. Implement the practice of giving to those around you, anything from a smile, encouraging word, helping hand or more. Do this on a daily basis. g. Surround yourself with high quality: Read uplifting materials, watch elevating videos, think positive thoughts, speak in a positive manner and spend time around like minded people. Keep in mind that positive and optimistic friends will help keep you going with your positive changes. If you are so unhealthy that you don’t have the energy to begin to be optimistic, consider going to a natural practitioner who may be able to jump start the process. Consider Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Energy healing, Naturopathy, Meditation, Asyra, NES Health, and Shamanism. Read up on supplements like CoQ10, D-Ribose and try incorporating these supplements along with eating a better diet (no processed foods, eat organically, add raw foods, etc). We exist on a vibrational level. Optimism and Pessimism are not themselves emotions but are states of being that create the space for our thoughts and emotions. Pessimism equates with a lower vibrational level and optimism a higher level. Disease and Illness are at lower vibrational levels. Optimism allows you to experience higher emotions such as happiness, love and generosity. Pessimism creates the space for disease and ill health. Which comes first-pessimism or disease? Does it matter? You participate in creating your life. An optimist is more likely to attract and create a good life. Don’t operate on autopilot. Examine your life, live with integrity, learn how your body works. I believe we have free will to choose to be optimistic. Sometimes we need some help to achieve a more optimistic outlook. Seek out assistance to gain an optimistic outlook if you need a helping hand. Put into practice some of the tips listed above to grow an optimistic spirit.
I like to hike. That is a big “hobby” of mine. Sometimes when hiking in new locations, the trails are not marked clearly and one has to choose when it is not clear which is the “right” path. This idea resonates with times in our life when the next steps are not obvious. It is also similar when we have to select among alternative treatments or providers. Making a life choice happens all the time. You make the best choice and go on. Right now and for the next months, I am mulling over the “right” next step in my life’s work. I currently get my funding from working as an engineer in the Petroleum industry. It provides a good income, doing work I enjoy, around people I like. It is a comfortable and interesting place to be. At night and on weekends I do Naturopathic consultations for friends and family. My time at home is stretched—there never seems to be enough time but I get done the critical things. I am debating taking the step of going into Naturopathy as my life’s work. My work in the Petroleum industry is important – I have installed many safety systems which help protect my fellow workers. I also know how important Naturopathic information and energy healing can be in improving one’s life. I understand that getting people to the place where they have a healed energy field is of great importance. My debate is not on the importance of alternative treatments, rather it is on my ability to make a living at this. On the other hand, I need to keep growing as an individual. I know I can “do” capital engineering projects and keep projects moving forward and see new units built. But…can I start an alternative business that successfully attracts clients, and supports me and staff members? "Nothing alive can stand still, it goes forward or back. Life is interesting only as long as it is a process of growth; or, to put it another way, we can only grow as long as we are interested." --ELEANOR ROOSEVELT So…if Eleanor’s words are correct, in order to grow, I need to do something I find interesting. My recent troubles that were brought to me from the world of nature (a humongous hail storm which has caused serious damage to my home) has set my timing of this potential venture back a little. My tentative start date for this new venture would be next year – 2013. In the mean time, among all my other time demands, I will find the time to answer such questions as to how to add new “doing business as” names to my Limited Liability Corporation and how much is leased space going for, how long do leases have to be for, how to add a second location to my business license and what is the best software to use and so on. The treatment side of the business is the easy part of all that is before me. The business side is tremendously important in a successful practice and is something that I will have to research and conquer – it is necessary but not as fascinating as the alternative energetic and frequency based treatment modalities. People are used to having insurance pay for their wellbeing. Everyone takes being well as a “right”. When people get well, they naturally forget that they were ever sick (this is a normal result for human beings). They mostly do not look back and credit any healing done for them – any discomfort, disability once it is healed is totally forgotten. People will put out a lot of money for entertainment, food, cars, etc. On the other hand, people seem to weigh every penny spent on healing. Most of the money willingly spent is for a “pill” rather than investing in a lifestyle change. The majority of people believe what the mainstream media tell them about health. They want a pill to make them well and they don’t want to pay for that pill. Then they want to continue in the folly that brought them their ill health to begin with. My term for the combined main stream medicine and pharmaceutical alliance is the “Industrial Medical Complex”. The majority do not experience any urge to deviate from the “Industrial Medical Complex” methodology or to think for themselves. A few people are pushed from conventional treatments into alternatives because there are no other choices that work for them from the conventional world, and a few are adventuresome types questioning the status quo and trying alternative methodologies to find it successful. So…I can see how hard it is for people in the alternative world to make a living. The education costs money, the tools cost money, the office and office equipment and staff, the licenses, the insurance etc. all take significant funds. The clients think the fees should be minimal since they are not used to paying. Clientele are not aware of all of the costs that have to be paid out of the fees that they pay. On the other hand, I have experienced first hand what detoxification, nutrition, life style changes and energy modalities have to offer and I would like to see this widely available and widely accepted. I have won big in the time and effort I have put in to alternative modalities – I am completely mobile and without pain (except for everyday aches from doing too much). My family and friends are beneficiaries of my knowledge and investment. I can continue to attend conferences and read literature and apply the learnings to my life and those around me benefit from my advancement also. This result is “good enough” payback for the big dollars and time that I have invested. However…offering this to more people is very appealing. In order to offer it to more people, I would have to give up my “comfortable” life as an engineer. Thus there is a “fork” in my road. Each path could be a good one for me. As I get older, I realize that I only have a limited time to offer my gifts to the world and a limited time to enjoy the world. I also know that I need to enjoy what I do in order to do it well and keep doing it. I have some mulling over to do and I am giving myself the time to consider and explore becoming an alternative provider.
I came home from a family visit to find considerable damage to my home – broken skylight, broken windows, torn siding, some water damage, and extreme roof damage. The storm had happened just a few hours before. I had inklings it would be bad as I drove up to my home with tree limbs down, road signs turned over, business windows broken out and tow trucks everywhere. I was hoping to find my home untouched but as I went through it, the damage was obvious even though the darkness hid quite a bit of it. It is a shock to come home to your “sanctuary” and find it tattered and torn (fortunately for me mostly standing). I think the feeling is similar when your body breaks down –most of us experience this feeling through aging if not through a specific disease. Shock comes first; wishing and mourning for the lost health is all part of the process I think. The best thing to do can be reaching out for help. There is a ton of knowledge available to us on how to achieve health. The help can come from many healing traditions. Typically it requires multiple modalities to make that return to health happen. Most effective modalities include some aspects of detoxification, nutrition, supplementation via herbs and vitamins, energy and/or frequency work. For my house, I was able to call a roofer who came out that night and at midnight was finishing putting the tarps on my roof to protect from the next storm that was approaching. I will be needing lots of help in the days to come to put my home back together. I feel blessed that the resources and skills are available to me. I have been even more blessed for those with healing skills that have shared their knowledge and healing with me. This is a shorter blog than past ones – this month I am spending more time counting my blessings!
For those people diagnosed with a rear disease, I encourage you to keep exploring options from the alternative health world. I have found that many alternative choices offer positive changes for a person with a "rare" disease. Many rare diseases are the result of faulty gene expression. I have the rare disease Melorheostosis of Leri which is apparently caused from a "mininformed" gene expression. My particular rare disease causes a painful bone disorder for which western medicine has no successful treatments. I have been able to use methods from the alternative world to keep my disease process fully checked and am able to live a life free from pain. I believe my experience in getting to a place of no pain is applicable to others with “rare diseases”. The basic starting place to fix faulty gene expression appears to be in fixing your body's environment -- that is your diet, sleep habits, alcohol and drug use, and exposure to harmful chemicals both in your diet and surroundings. There are man good books discussing diet and detoxification. I will recommend two –“Clean” by Alejandro Junger MD and "Stop Alzheimer's Now" by Bruce Fife ND and there are many more good ones available. If the rare disease you are suffering from was easy to cure, then you would already know the answer. I think that most rare disease needs a multi-pronged approach to provide success. There are a lot of good healing modalities available. I believe that for long lasting progress, your lifestyle will require improvement—it is unlikely that modalities performed by a practitioner will be the sole variable for providing health. I suggest you locate practitioners of these modalities and give the alternatives a trial. Practitioners typically only provide one or two of these modalities so you will probably have to enlist several practitioners. I list some below that I know from personal experience provide good support for those with a rare disease. - Acupuncture (look in your yellow pages), - NES Health (www.neshealth.com for a local provider), - Asyra (try internet searches with your area and the word Asyra combined in the search), - Jin Shin Acutouch or similar practices, - Specialists in Detoxification, (if one is not in your area, look for books that describe methods) - Naturopath (contact the ANMA www.anma.org), - Homeopath (contact the National Center for Homeopathy.org) Most of us need supplementation in this age where our foods are grown in depleted soils or using genetically mocdified seeds or hybridized seeds with nutrition bred out and shipping hardiness bred in. We have considerable anti –oxidant and detoxification burdens placed on our bodies. Use of ‘whole food’ supplements can provide the enzymes needed to process the nutrients and so would be good to add to your routine. Consider a whole food multivitamin or the super-nutrient Bioage which is algae grown in a nutrient rich environment and proven in the farming community on farm animals to give outstanding support. Bioage was also used during the Chernobyl incident to help those with radiation sickness. Adding detoxification to your life is also important-see Dr. Sherry Roger’s book Detoxify or Die. Each rare disease needs some additions to the basic healing approach listed above. In other places on my website www.wellbodyfield.com I have listed approaches to both ALS, and Melorheostosis of Leri. Those of you diagnosed with a rare condition (or your loved ones on your behalf) should look at your disease process and consider supplements and healing methods that would provide support for your particular disease process. There are many reputable sites on the internet that may provide valuable insights and tips such as www.lef.org. An approach that I have only read about is to hire a medical researcher to investigate research being done for a particular rare disease. These people investigate options from medical journals and other sites to determine possible approaches. I tried an internet search of “medical researcher for hire” and found several sites that will do this. If you can not research your disease on your own, then this may be a good option for you. Then work with your health care provider in implementing the information. My life has changed after contracting my rare disease. I now am aware of what I put in my body. I am aware of the changes to our foods and to our total environment and how those changes are impacting every one of us. I needed to study the body and alternative healing in depth to get to where I needed to go. Most people would not need to become a Naturopath to find the healing they need. However, to find your healing, you are likely to be engaged in a learning journey. The odds of your healing go up the more you understand your relationship with the world around you and how your body works. The odds improve significantly with your willingness to apply what you learn. With my new emphasis on diet, supplementation, use of NES Health
and Asyra I am now in better shape (based on blood tests) than I was 20 years ago. By treating my “rare disease” I think I have prevented contracting common diseases like diabetes and prevented viruses like the common cold and flu from gaining a foothold on many occasions (and on the occasions that I do contract them, I get over the symptoms quickly). While I can not say I am grateful for having my “rare disease”, it has helped me become more accomplished, sympathetic, and knowledgeable than I could ever have anticipated. Why do we need to work on chronic inflammation? Chronic inflammation is part of the process that results in diseases such as asthma, arteriosclerosis, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer’s, type II diabetes, and in the proliferation of abnormal cells which can turn into cancerous cells. It appears to play the significant role in the aging process. Any disease with an “itis” on the end of the word is a result of inflammation – think arthritis, pancreatitis, sinusitis, etc. What is inflammation Acute Inflammation is the body’s normal response to injury where the body allows blood plasma to spill out into an injured area to allow cleanup. It brings oxygen and proteins to the area to rebuild damaged tissue. The swelling associated with the excess fluids compress the adjacent nerves and causes pain. Chronic inflammation is the simultaneous destruction and healing of body tissue that occurs over long periods of time. Chronic inflammation can be caused by problems inside our cells. Inside each cell are mitochondria which produce 80% of cellular energy. In generating that power via chemical reactions, free radicals are also generated. Excess free radicals damage our cells. When the mitochondria are exposed to toxins or when more free radicals are generated than the body can supply anti-oxidant molecules for, mitochondrial dysfunction will occur which can result in cell death or in uncontrolled cell growth (cancer). Chronic inflammation can also be caused by problems in the fluid that is just outside the cells (extracellular fluid). Blood sugars (excess blood glucose) can cause damaging reactions resulting in Advanced glycation end products (or AGEs) that bind to the surface of the cell. These activate numerous genes inside the cell that result in inflammation. AGE’s can also be ingested when we eat foods that are cooked at high temperature such as during frying. Any chronic infection such as periodontitis (gum infection), yeast infections, and the like, can cause the immune system to release proteins like TNF-alpha that activate inflammation. These proteins can even cross the blood brain barrier and trigger inflammatory responses in the brain that start or contribute to neurodegenerative diseases like ALS or Huntington’s disease. Obesity is a contributing factor. Fat tissue is not just sitting in the body making you look bad – it is an active endocrine organ that secretes inflammatory molecules especially visceral fat that is stored in the abdomen. Sleep disorders, smoking, as well as a diet high in trans fat are also associated with chronic inflammation. Excess blood glucose causes glycation and resultant inflammation. Inflammation can be measured by blood test. Problems with inflammation are indicated by high levels of C-Reactive Protein ( CRP), Fibrinogen, TNF-alpha, Interleukins, homeocysteine level, etc. Many Medications mask the pain created from inflammation without fixing the root problem. So…what to do about inflammation? Lifestyle is key. Supplements can help. Detoxification is likely to be necessary. Reconnection to the earth is important. Lifestyle --Most of these are common sense: Limit processed foods. Avoid fried foods, breath clean air, don’t eat GMO food. Get enough sleep. A low carbohydrate and high fat diet lowers inflammation- see the book “Stop Alzheimer’s Now” by Bruce Fife ND p 180 for research on this type of diet. Some people are deficient in Digestive Enzymes and this contributes to their inflammation. Excess proteins are part of the inflammatory process. To clean up excess proteins, add "proteolytic enzymes" to your supplement routine. "Proteolytic enzyme" is fancy terminology for a digestive enzyme like pancreatin, and bromelain. So...consider taking digestive enzymes with your meals. Herbs that are known to help with inflammation include curcumin, ginger, and green tea. You can use a product like Zyflamend that includes several of these herbs and others known for their cooling abilities. Other supplements and vitamins that are beneficial for inflammation include Vitamin D (4 to 5000 IU), Tocotrienols with Vitamin E, Omega 3’s (can also be supplied from eggs and grass fed beef) , fish oil and krill oil. Lowering stress will lower cortisol levels and thus reduce inflammation. Consider meditation, yoga, and NES Health. Detoxification can be done by several methods. See my previous blog discussing “Simple ways to Detoxify” for methods you can use at home. In addition to methods listed there, you can utilize health care practitioners that offer NES Health, and/or Asyra Scans to help with the detoxification process. Using the earth to provide electrons to neutralize the free radicals involved in inflammation makes perfect sense. Human beings used to walk barefoot and connect regularly to the earth. We now stay insulated from the ability to connect to the free electron source. When we add a grounded sheet to our bed, then all night long our bodies can use the earth as a source of free electrons to cool the inflammation. Sleeping on a grounded sheet is a highly effective remedy for inflammation. Researchers working on earthing, call inflammation the “Electron Deficiency Disease”. See the book “Earthing: the most important health discovery ever?” by Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D. and Martin Zucker. As we age, all of us should be implementing measures listed above so we can create and sustain the lives we want and are meant to live.
The world in which we are living is exposing us to many chemicals that our bodies need to detoxify in order to keep us healthy. Some are naturally present in our environment and many are man-made chemicals. Most of these chemicals are stored in our fat cells if the body can not unload them immediately. We have several routes to get toxins to exit the body such as through sweating, urine and feces, tears, and mucus drainage. The goals of a detoxification program are: 1. Remove the heavy metals and chemical contamination from our cells 2. Restore intestinal flora and the integrity of the gut walls. There are four major steps in the detoxification process. Step one is getting the toxin to the liver to be processed. For stored toxins, the body sends a signal to the body’s cells to release the toxins for processing. This happens naturally when the body has completed working on digestion and has time to process toxins. The fat soluble toxins are released from the cells and flow through the blood to the liver where they are processed. Newly eaten foods, are processed in the gut and conveyed into the portal blood vein with the first stop at the liver. This is the first pass to eliminate any toxins from the food you have just eaten. Steps two and three in detoxification occur in the liver. The second step uses enzymes to make the toxin water soluble. The second step requires adequate nutrition (minerals, anti-oxidants and vitamins) be available to react with the toxins. There are two phases to step 2 and both phases use enzymes to process the various toxins into something that the body can excrete. The third step occurs in the liver. The third step is to either excrete the toxin into the blood stream where it is filtered out by the kidneys or to incorporate the toxin into bile produced in the liver and then excreted into the intestines (through the gallbladder if the route is not blocked by gallstones). The forth step requires that there be sufficient fiber in the colon to bind with the toxins so the toxins are excreted and not just recycled. If there is not enough fiber, the toxins don’t get dumped out of the body. If there are too many bad bacteria and not enough of the good bacteria and flora in the gut, then the bad bacteria can modify the toxins in the intestines into even more dangerous forms which can flow through a “leaky” gut and be deposited back in organs, joints and cells where they cause inflammation and suffering. Another detoxification route involves sweating. Toxins can be released through the sweat glands from the blood stream when sufficient exercise , work, or a far-infrared sauna is used. In order for the body to detoxify, you can provide assistance for all the steps. To aid in providing the signals for release of the toxins, a break from eating in the evening and at night is needed. Or make the evening snack something that is easily and quickly digested. See the book “Clean” for some recommendations. Help to make the toxins water soluble: · Nutrition is important. In this age of nutrient deficient crops, add a good multi vitamin and mineral combination to your daily routine or take the food supplement Bioage. · Add supplements like reduced L-glutathione Help to move the Toxins out of the body: · Eat foods with soluble fiber – fruits, vegetables, whole grains. · Take a high quality probiotic to add to the intestinal flora that keep the bad bacteria in check. · Consider exercise that creates a sweat · Utilize a far infrared sauna- initially twice a week · Use Modified Citrus Pectin with Pectasol Complex®which will grab the toxin and carry it out in the feces. It also will circulate in the blood and capture heavy metals and other chemicals and be filtered out in the kidneys. · Use zeolite or an edible clay that will grab the toxin and carry it off in the feces. Keep Toxins from entering the body: · Eat organic food as possible · Avoid GMO foods ( essentially all corn and soy products unless the label says they are organic) · Smoking and other air pollutants should be avoided. · Filtered water should be used Other Detoxification methods include · Ionic Foot Soaks (although not recommended for Melorheostosis of Leri sufferers), · IV Chelation, · Removing amalgam fillings · utilizing NES Health, · eating the herb cilantro, · using colonics, and · using a suppository like Detoximin. Other helpful resources:
· Dr. Schulze’s Detoxification programs-see www.herbdoc.com · Reading material- o “Clean”by Alejandro Junger MD and o “Detoxify or Die” by Dr. Sherry Rodgers I don’t go to the movies very much but I like to read reviews of movies especially when the reviewer provokes thinking. In the past year I read a review of an advance screening of a documentary “Give a Damn?” This is a movie concerning the question: ‘Should we care about others in great need?’ The review stated that one of the lead participants in the documentary ends the movie with the question to the audience to “pick one thing that breaks your heart and do something about it.” That is a very powerful question. The weather that day was cooperating to allow me to ponder that question on a walk through the park that is close to my home. Most people have something that has broken their hearts and will lead them to a compassionate response when they see someone in a similar situation. This can provide a passionate motivation for good. However, I found this question to be a little “off”. For me, I find that things that break my heart are not usually motivators. I find that I would like to cry or flee from many things that break my heart. What motivates me, are ideas and actions that make my heart soar. When I am in the flow of wonder thanksgiving, and love, then I have the courage and the stamina to make a difference. An example will bring this difference out. When I see people in news articles suffering in war or famine, it makes me uncomfortable and I have trouble reading or listening about their plight—these things ‘break my heart’ but I find it too much to deal with. I am overwhelmed by the magnitude. On the other hand the thought of keeping people well and helping them have the energy to able to do the things that they were put here to do is a strong motivator for me. When I know people are improving due to some knowledge I am able to impart, I am excited and happy. I have the background in suffering from health issues that allows me to sympathize with others in a similar situation but just having the ‘broken heart’ is not enough to provide the energy to do something about it. I find I need the ‘heart soaring’ component to allow a sustained response. So…I think the better question would be “What makes your
heart soar?” Then make use of that to help those around you. Your efforts will not feel like labor and you will find yourself revitalized as you proceed. |
AuthorLinda C Hess, ND Archives
December 2013
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