Earthing Grounding ProductsThe Earthing products are highly effective to reduce inflammation. The Earthing Premium Kit is a good value which includes the book, the sleeping quarter sheet and the computer pad.
Stop Alzheimer's Now!
This is a very good book explaining how nerve cells die, and what can be done to prevent it.
Cancer Battle Plan
Very readable and inspiring case history. This book is informative on a better lifestyle to adopt.
Diet & Nutrition
This book is very detailed and is only recommended for those who need to understand exactly how the body utilizes nutrients for that extra encouragement to do the "right" way in eating.
Homeopathic Medicine at HomeRecommended as part of your Alternative Medicine Kit for everyday issues and traumas.
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I have an interest in helping people with serious challenges to being and feeling well. The newsletter contains the latest blog and any other items of interest to the general and/or the ALS community.
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